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Rally for Human Rights, THIS THURSDAY!


On Thursday January 19th, Mayor de Blasio, Michael Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Alec Baldwin will be amongst the thousands of people that will show up to Manhattan's Columbus Circle to protest Trump's Presidential Inauguration that will take place Friday January 20th. In 2015, the state of New York saw hate crimes increase by 35% compared to 2015, coincidentally the year Trump's hateful rhetoric and sexist remarks skyrocketed.

Data released by the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC), recorded a total of 867 “hate incidents” in the mere TEN days following Mr. Trump’s election victory across the USA; a “national outbreak of hate”. [1]. Something that is deeply disturbing is the realization that, even if Mr. Trump had not been elected, this is happening; sexism and racism are alive and well in America. The election of Trump has merely given certain individuals courage and a platform to spew their hate.

On November 23rd 2016 the Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, uploaded an emotional video to You Tube with a promise to New Yorkers; he will protect us and our rights.

“If Jews or Muslims or members of the LGBTQ community, or ANY community are victimized and attacked, we will FIND their attackers. We will arrest them. We will prosecute them. This is New York. Nothing about who we are changed on election day. We are always New York. Somos siempre Nueva York.”

This week, the week Trump will be sworn in to the Presidency of the United States of America and become the 45th POTUS, thousands of people all over the country are rallying and organizing marches for different causes which can basically be boiled down to human rights. The right to be; the right to live free of discrimination despite your heritage and skin color, the right to love whomever you want, the right to be a woman without that meaning you ever have to endure harassment because of it.

On January 19th 2016, Mayor de Blasio, filmmaker Michael Moore, and actors Mark Ruffalo and Alec Baldwin will be rallying at the Trump International Hotel at Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York City at 6 pm. Even when we can no longer change the outcome of this election, or the fact that Trump will be POTUS, now more than ever, we must show up for humanity; for each other; for compassion; for love. We must come together in a display of unity and love. We must show up by the thousands and tell the world that this election turnout will NOT define who we are as a country and as citizens of the world. #LoveTrumpsHate





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