AM DeBrincat's paintings create unique worlds where online and offline life meet and merge. Her mixed media technique combines fragments of images sourced from social media and online image searches which are xerox transfer printed onto canvas and intermingled with lush oil painting. Combining digital and analog media like pieces in a visual puzzle, DeBrincat builds paintings which explore how we build identity and sense of self in the digital age.
Artist: AM DeBrincat
Age: 27
Born in: San Francisco, California
Based in: Brooklyn, New York
Inspirations: Historical portrait photography + digital culture + the textures, graffiti, layers, and colors that I see on the walls and surfaces of New York City
How would you describe your style? Colorful figurative painting meets black and white photography
About your work: I mix and merge several different mediums – drawing, oil painting, acrylic painting, digital photography, and xerox transfer printing – to create my paintings. For me, it’s interesting to see how digital imagery can mix with centuries-old painting techniques to create a new visual language. At its core, it’s about sampling both old and new technologies and the way this merging speaks to how we combine online and offline experiences in our daily lives.
Any upcoming projects/exhibitions? Yes - I’ve got some fun projects coming up! This summer, I’m part of a group exhibition, Modern Baroque, at Helikon Gallery in Denver, Colorado. The show opens June 14th and runs through July 29th.
And then this fall, I have my first solo show in Europe! Hello Sunshine, my solo show at Lohme Art Gallery in Malmo, Sweden, opens August 25th and runs through September 23rd.
I also recently released Astronaut Ice Cream, which is a signed, limited edition risograph print of my work. The print is available through Authorized to Work in the US Press: Authorized to Work in the US Press is small, locally-owned print shop based in Brooklyn, New York. It was founded by a friend of mine who immigrated to the US from Turkey - he founded the print shop when he got his papers from the US government authorizing him to work in this country (hence the name of his shop). Risograph is a relatively new medium for me, and making this print was a fantastic experience.
And I’ve got a few other things in the works, but nothing I can talk about quite yet…follow me on Instagram @amdebrincat to stay in the loop!
“It’s interesting to see how digital imagery can mix with centuries-old painting techniques to create a new visual language. At its core, it's about sampling both old and new technologies and the way this merging speaks to how we combine online and offline experiences in our daily lives.”
Follow AM through her website and Instagram!